Custom genes synthesis
We has a professional gene synthesis service expert team and technical equipment, and integrates advanced gene sequence design and optimization technology.
Rapid gene synthesis
We provide you with a 5-day rapid gene synthesis service to save your waiting time and improve your experimental efficiency!
High-throughput gene synthesis
fast and inexpensive high-throughput gene synthesis services, especially suitable for the synthesis of a large number of gene fragments and long genome sequences.
Genefragment gene synthesis
Genefragment gene synthesis is a linear double-stranded DNA fragment, which can be quickly used for cloning, construction, and modification of simple genes.
Long-segment gene synthesis
The long-segment gene synthesis service can synthesize long-segment genes of more than 6kb for you at a very competitive price.
Common primer synthesis
We have an industry-leading DNA synthesizer, a professional technical team, and a complete synthesis and purification process. We monitor the synthesis of each primer throughout the process to ensure that high-quality primers are delivered to each customer.
Long chain primer synthesis
We provide you with 60~200 base long chain primer synthesis service.
Large-scale primer synthesis
We have an internationally advanced high-throughput DNA synthesizer that will monitor the synthesis of each primer throughout the process to ensure that high-quality primers are delivered to each customer.