PCM14, Multiplex Pro MasterMix
Multiplex Pro Master Mix
PCM14-Multiplex Pro Master Mix is a premixed system suitable for various types of multiple PCR, with a concentration of 2.5×, contains DNA polymerase, PCR buffer, dNTPs, Mg2+ and components such as stabilizers and enhancers
PCM313, 2x Super Kfu MasterMix
2× Super Kfu Master Mix
PCM313, 2x Super Kfu MasterMix This product is a premixed system composed of Kfu DNA Polymerase, Mg2+, dNTPs, PCR stabilizers and enhancers, with a concentration of 2×.
PC312, Kfu DNA Polymerase
Kfu DNA Polymerase
PC312, Kfu DNA Polymerase is a high fidelity DNA polymerase with fast and high amplification efficiency, which has 5'-3' DNA polymerase activity and 3'-5' exonuclease activity.
2.5x STR Master Mixture
PCM311, 2.5×STR Master Mixture is a premix system suitable for various types of multiple PCR at a concentration of 2.5×, Contains components such as DNA polymerase, PCR Buffer, dNTPs, Mg2+, and stabilizers and enhancers, making the operation simple and fast.
PC16E, FastStar DNA Polymerase (exo-)
FastStar DNA Polymerase (exo-)
PC16E, FastStar DNA Polymerase (exo-) is a mixture of anti Taq enzyme monoclonal antibodies and Taq DNA Polymerase, suitable for Hot Start PCR.
PCM22, Animal Detection Probe Mixture, UNG (Mg2+ free) Lyophilized
Animal Detection Probe Mixture, UNG (Mg2+ free) Lyophilized
PCM22, Animal Detection Probe Mixture, UNG (Mg2+ free) Lyophilized is a specialized freezeable intervention mixture that does not contain Mg2+ and is suitable for probe detection of DNA viruses, with a concentration of 2×, contains novel antibody modified Taq DNA polymerase, PCR buffer, dNTPs, as well as enhancers and stabilizers, making it convenient and fast to use.
PCM21, Animal Detection Probe Mixture (UNG), Lyophilized
Animal Detection Probe Mixture (UNG), Lyophilized
PCM21, Animal Detection Probe Mixture (UNG), Lyophilized
ASFV Identification qPCR Mix UNG plus
PCM16, ASFV Identification qPCR Mix UNG plus mainly contains 2×ASFV Identification qPCR Buffer U+ (for ASFV) and 50×Taq DNA Polymerase U+ (for ASFV), Probe based fluorescence quantitative rapid detection for African swine fever virus.
PCM58, Animal Detection Probe Mixture (UNG)
Animal Detection Probe Mixture (UNG)
PCM58, Animal Detection Probe Mixture (UNG) is a specialized premix suitable for probe detection of African swine fever virus (ASFV), with a concentration of 2×, Contains novel antibody modified Taq DNA polymerase, PCR Buffer, dNTPs, Mg2+, as well as enhancers and stabilizers, making it convenient and fast to use.
PCK48, Universal DNA Library Kit (Illumina & MGI)
PCK48, Universal DNA Library Kit (Illumina MGI)
PCK48, Universal DNA Library Kit (Illumina & MGI) is a second-generation sequencing enzyme digestion library kit developed for Illumina and MGI sequencing platforms.
Super Fi Amplification Mix for NGS
PCK47, Super Fi Amplification Mix for NGS is a PCR amplification premix that combines fidelity and amplification specificity, suitable for PCR amplification of high-throughput sequencing libraries.
Onestep DNA Frag And ER Reagent
FER46, Onestep DNA Frag And ER Reagent Onestep DNA Frag And ER Reagent is a new generation of enzyme digestion repair reagents developed for Illumina and MGI high-throughput sequencing platforms.