PCM12, 2×E Taq Master mix, without dye
2x E Taq Master mix, without dye
PCM12, 2×E Taq Master mix, without dye, This product is a premixed system composed of E Taq DNA Polymerase, Mg2+, dNTPs, PCR stabilizers and enhancers, with a concentration of 2×.
PCM12B, 2×E Taq Master mix, with blue dye
2x E Taq Master mix, with blue dye
PCM12B, 2×E Taq Master mix, with blue dye, This product is a premixed system composed of E Taq DNA Polymerase, Mg2+, dNTPs, and PCR stabilizers and enhancers at a concentration of 2x.
PC88, E Taq DNA Polymerase
E Taq DNA Polymerase
PC88, E Taq DNA Polymerase, E Taq DNA Polymerase is an optimized mixed enzyme of Taq and Pfu DNA Polymerase, with 5'→3' DNA polymerase activity, 5'→3' exonuclease activity, and 3'→5' exonase activity.
One Step RT-qPCR SYBR Kit
PCK59, One Step RT-qPCR SYBR Kit, This product is a one-step Real-Time RT-qPCR special kit.
PCM56, 2×HotStar Best MasterMix
2x HotStar Best MasterMix
PCM56, 2×HotStar Best MasterMix
HotStar Best DNA Polymerase
PC54, HotStar Best DNA Polymerase, This product is a chemically modified hot-start high-fidelity polymerase.
EZ Transfer
TR9810, EZ Transfer. EZ Transfer electrotransfection reagent (electrotransfection buffer) is used to efficiently and low toxicity transfect nucleic acids (DNA, siRNA, etc.) into difficult to transfect cells.
EZ virus Transduction kit
TR3091, EZ virus Transduction kit. EZ virus Transmission Kit is an enhancer developed and synthesized by our biological company for viral infections, which is synthesized using nanotechnology.
EZ-RV Transduction kit
TR3041, EZ RV Transduction kit. EZ-RV Transmission Kit is an enhancer developed and synthesized by our company for retroviral infection, which is synthesized using nanotechnology.
EZ virus in vivo kit
TR3015, EZ virus in vivo kit. EZ virus in vivo kit is a nano polymer virus infection enhancement reagent developed and synthesized by our company.
EZ-LV Transduction kit
TR3012, EZ-LV Transduction kit. EZ-LV Transmission Kit is an enhancer developed and synthesized by our company for chronic viral infections, which is synthesized using nanotechnology.
EZ-AV Transduction kit
TR3011, EZ AV Transduction kit. EZ-AV Transmission Kit is an enhancer developed and synthesized by our company for adenovirus infection, which is synthesized using nanotechnology.