2×PCR Master Mix, with Green dye
PCM01G, 2×PCR Master Mix, with Green dye. This product contains Taq DNA polymerase dNTPs, MgCl2, Reaction buffer with a concentration of 2 ×.
T4 DNA Ligase
LG06W, T4 DNA Ligase. In the presence of Mg2+and ATP, T4 DNA ligase can catalyze the formation of phosphodiester bonds between adjacent 5 '- phosphate and 3' - hydroxyl termini on double stranded DNA or RNA.
2x Universal Fast SYBR Master Mix
PCM88, 2×Universal Fast SYBR Master Mix The 2× Universal Fast SYBR Master Mix is a specialized premix for real-time fluorescence quantitative qPCR reactions using the dye method (SYBR Green I).
All Script RT Master Mix
PCM71, All Script RT Master Mix All Script RT Master Mix is a Real Time PCR reverse transcription reaction kit that adds the function of removing genomic DNA (gDNA), using our company's new high-efficiency reverse transcriptase.
PCM64, Lyo Universal Fast SYBR Mixture
Lyo Universal Fast SYBR Mixture
PCM64, Lyo Universal Fast SYBR Mixture Lyo Universal Fast SYBR Mixture is provided in freeze-dried form and is a specialized mixture for qPCR reaction using SYBR Green I chimeric fluorescence method.
PCM60, Universal Super SYBR Master Mix
Universal Super SYBR Master Mix
PCM60, Universal Super SYBR Master Mix Universal Super SYBR Master Mix is a specialized premix for real-time fluorescence quantitative qPCR reactions using the dye method (SYBR Green I).
PCM356, Universal Fast Probe Mixture
Universal Fast Probe Mixture
PCM356, Universal Fast Probe Mixture The Universal Fast Probe Mixture is a real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR premix for probe method, with a reaction solution concentration of 2×,Contains FastStar DNA Polymerase, PCR buffer, dNTPs, Mg2+, enhancers, and stabilizers, all you need to do is add templates, primers, and probes, making the operation simple.
PCM355, Super Multiplex PCR Mix (UNG), Lyophilized
Super Multiplex PCR Mix (UNG), Lyophilized
PCM355, Super Multiplex PCR Mix (UNG), Lyophilized Super Multiplex PCR Mix (UNG), Lyophilized is a premixed system suitable for various types of multiple PCR, with a concentration of 2.5×,Contains components such as DNA polymerase, UNG enzyme, PCR buffer, dNTPs, Mg2+, and enhancers.
PCM47, SupeStar Probe Mixture
SuperStar Probe Mixture
PCM47, SupeStar Probe Mixture is a premix specifically designed for real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR using probe methods (TaqMan, Molecular Beacon, etc.).
PCM42, PCR Plus Master Mix Dye
PCR Plus Master Mix, Dye
PCM42, PCR Plus Master Mix, Dye This product is a premixed system composed of efficient PCR Plus Master Mix, Mg2+, dNTPs, PCR stabilizers and enhancers, with a concentration of 2×.
2x Super Kfu Master Mix (Dye)
PCM313B, 2×Super Kfu MasterMix (Dye) This product is a premixed system composed of 2×Super Kfu MasterMix (Dye), Mg2+, dNTPs, PCR stabilizers and enhancers, with a concentration of 2×.
PCM56B, 2x HotStar Best MasterMix (Dye)
2x HotStar Best Master Mix (Dye)
PCM56B, 2×HotStar Best MasterMix (Dye), This product is a premixed system composed of HotStar Best DNA Polymerase, Mg2+, dNTPs, PCR stabilizers and enhancers, with a concentration of 2×