PH29, Phi29 DNA Polymerase
Phi29 DNA Polymerase
PH29, Phi29 DNA Polymerase is a DNA Polymerase cloned from Bacillus subtilis phage Phi29 and expressed by Escherichia coli using gene recombination technology.
T4 DNA Ligase for NGS
LG0N, T4 DNA Ligase for NGS is isolated and purified from Escherichia coli expressing the T4 DNA Ligase gene after induction and expression.
PCK84, NGS Library Quantitative Kit for Illumina
NGS Library Quantitative Kit for Illumina
PCK84, NGS Library Quantitative Kit for Illumina This product uses the dye method (SYBR Green I) to perform real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR (qPCR) on the products after NGS library construction.
PC72, T4 DNA Polymerase
T4 DNA Polymerase
PC72, T4 DNA Polymerase is expressed by Escherichia coli, and the source of the expressed gene is T4 bacteriophage.
T4K01, T4 Polynucleotide Kinase
T4 Polynucleotide Kinase, T4 PNK
T4K01, T4 Polynucleotide Kinase. T4 PNK is a polynucleotide 5 'hydroxy kinase that catalyzes ATP γ- Transfer and exchange of phosphonic acid to double stranded/single stranded DNA or RNA, as well as single nucleotides with 3 'phosphate groups at 5' - hydroxyl groups: 5 '- OH+NTP5' ↔ P+NDP.
PC71, T4 Polynucleotide Kinase
T4 Polynucleotide Kinase
PC71, T4 Polynucleotide Kinase. abbreviated as T4 PNK, is expressed in Escherichia coli. The expressed gene is derived from T4 bacteriophage and can catalyze the...
NG01, 2x HiFi PCR Mix for NGS
2x HiFi PCR Mix for NGS
NG01, 2x HiFi PCR Mix for NGS a premixed system composed of hot start enzymes, PCR Buffer, dNTPs, Mg2+, as well as PCR stabilizers and enhancers.
PCK239, NGS Fast DNA Library Prep kit for Ion Torrent
NGS Fast DNA Library Prep kit for Ion Torrent
PCK239, NGS Fast DNA Library Prep kit for Ion Torrent provides the enzyme premix system and reaction buffer required for constructing DNA libraries, including all components except connectors.
PCK86, NGS Multiplex Oligos for Illumina (Index Primers Set I)
NGS Multiplex Oligos for Illumina (Index Primers Set I)
PCK86, NGS Multiplex Oligos for Illumina (Index Primers Set I) This kit provides adapters and primers used in second-generation sequencing library construction, specifically designed for Illumina platform library construction.
PCK85M, Fast NGS Library Kit for Illumina & MGI
Fast NGS Library Kit for Illumina MGI
PCK85M, Fast NGS Library Kit for Illumina & MGI This kit is suitable for both Illumina and MGI sequencing platforms.
PCK85, Fast NGS Library Kit for Illumina, Schematic diagram of DNA database construction process
Fast NGS Library Kit for Illumina
PCK85, Fast NGS Library Kit for Illumina This kit provides the enzyme premix system and reaction buffer required for DNA library construction, including all components except connectors and PCR primers, for the construction of Illumina second-generation sequencing platform DNA library.
PCM319, Multi plus PCR MasterMix
Multi plus PCR MasterMix
PCM319, Multi plus PCR MasterMix