PCK84, NGS Library Quantitative Kit for Illumina
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Y-chromosome Human DNA Quantitative Kit

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Product Number: PCK852

Shipping and Storage

-20 ℃, 12 months. If frequently used, it can be stored at 2-8 ℃ to avoid repeated freeze-thaw as much as possible.


2×GoldStar Probe Mixture1 mL5×1 mL
Probe Primer Mix300 µL5×300 µL
Human DNA Standard(100 ng/µl)100 µL5×100 µL
50×High ROX40 µL200 µL


This product is a real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR kit for detecting the concentration of human male Y chromosome, including carefully optimized PCR reaction solution, primer mixture, and standard samples, especially suitable for quantitative detection of precious and trace DNA samples. The reagent kit adopts a new, efficient and fast hot start amplification enzyme Golden Star Taq DNA Polymerase, effectively avoiding non-specific amplification caused by non-specific binding of primers and templates or primer dimers under room temperature conditions. This product achieves accurate quantification of the Y chromosome and can be applied in various fields such as genetic mapping, species polymorphism research, disease gene mapping, parent-child identification, and forensic analysis.

ROX dye is used to correct the fluorescence signal error generated between wells in quantitative PCR instruments, and is generally used in Real Time PCR amplification instruments from companies such as ABI and Stratagene. The excitation optical systems of different instruments vary, so the concentration of ROX dye must be matched with the corresponding fluorescence quantitative PCR instrument.

Instruments that do not require ROX calibration:Roche LightCycler 480,Roche LightCyler 96,Bio-rad iCyler iQ,iQ5,CFX96 etc.

Instruments that require Low ROX calibration:ABI Prism7500/7500 Fast,QuantStudio® 3 System,QuantStudio®5 System, QuantStudio®6 Flex System,QuantStudio®7 Flex System,ViiA 7 system,Stratagene Mx3000/Mx3005P,Corbett Rotor Gene 3000 etc.

Instruments that require High ROX calibration:ABI Prism 7000/7300/7700/7900,Eppendorf,ABI StepOne/Step One Plus etc.

Note:The preparation methods for High Rox and Low Rox are described in protocol Step 3.


This product is suitable for quantitative detection of male Y chromosome DNA in fields such as scientific research, clinical practice, forensic science, and parent-child identification.

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