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NGS Barcode Adapters 1-16 for Ion Torrent

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Product Number: PCK01

Shipping and Storage

Stored at -20 ℃, transported in ice bags.


ComponentPCK01 16×10μl
Ion P1 Adapter (10 μM )160 μl
Ion Barcode Ax (10 μM )16 tubes×10μl


NGS Barcode Adapters for Ion Torrent (1-16) is a specialized kit for constructing high-throughput sequencing platform libraries for Ion Torrent, which can be used to construct multi sample targeted DNA libraries suitable for the Ion Torrent high-throughput sequencing platforms such as Ion PGM™ System、Ion Proton™ System、Ion S5™ System and Ion GeneStudio™ S5 Series System.This kit contains 16 different Barcode connectors, including P1 Adaptor and Barcode A1 to Barcode A16, which used in the construction of Ion Torrent sequencing platform libraries. It can be used to construct 16 index labeled DNA libraries for sequencing analysis.All reagents provided in the kit have undergone strict quality control and functional verification, ensuring the reliability of sample identification, stability and repeatability of library construction to the greatest extent possible.


  1. The Adapter has a double chain structure, please do not place it above room temperature to avoid chain breaking and affecting its use.
  2. Before opening the Barcode Adapter cover, please briefly centrifuge to collect the liquid to the bottom of the tube to avoid cross contamination between different Barcode Adapters.

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