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2x TaqMan qPCR Master Mix

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Product Number: PCM39

Shipping and Storage

-20°C; If used frequently, store at 2-8°C, avoiding repeated freezing and thawing.


ComponentPCM39 5mlPCM40 5mlPCM41 5ml
2×Taq Man qPCR MasterMix5×1ml5×1ml5×1mL
50×Low ROX-200μl-
50×High ROX--200μl


The 2×Taq Man qPCR MasterMix is a premixed system for qPCR based on probes (TaqMan, Molecular Beacon etc.), and the concentration is 2×. It contains GoldenStar Taq DNA Polymerase, PCR Buffer, dNTPs, and Mg2+. The operation is simple and convenient. This product is mainly used for the detection of genomic DNA target sequences and cDNA target sequences after RNA reverse transcription, such as gene expression analysis, copy number analysis, SNP genotyping, etc., and is applicable to the qPCR using different types of probes.

The Golden Star Taq DNA Polymerase in the mixture is a chemically-modified, new efficient hotstart enzyme that does not have polymerase activity at room temperature which prevents nonspecific amplification efficiently, and it is activated by incubation at 95°C for 10 minutes. The combination of a unique PCR buffer system and a hot-start enzyme significantly increases the amplification efficiency of PCR. The fluorescence signal is stronger, and it is more sensitive, which can even detect single copy template. This product can be used to get a wider linear range and more accurate quantification of the target gene. This product is suitable for fluorescent qPCR instruments that do not require ROX as a calibration dye.


  1. Mix gently before use, avoid foaming, and use after brief centrifugation.
  2. Avoid repeated freezing and thawing of this product. Repeated freezing and thawing may comprise product performance. This product can be stored at -20°C in dark for long-term storage. If used frequently in a short time, it can be stored at 2-8°C.

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