Product Number: PCK239
Shipping and Storage
Store at -20℃ and transport on dry ice.
Component | PCK239 24rxns | PCK239 96rxns |
10×End Repair Buffer | 200μl | 800μl |
End Repair Enzyme Mix | 48μl | 192μl |
Ligation and Nick Repair Buffer | 400μl | 2×800μl |
T4 DNA Ligase | 48μl | 192μl |
Bst DNA Polymerase | 48μl | 192μl |
2×HiFidelity PCR Mix | 600μl | 2×1.2ml |
10×Primer Mix (5μM each) | 150μl | 600μl |
The NGS Fast DNA Library Prep kit for Ion Torrent provides the enzyme premix system and reaction buffer required for constructing DNA libraries, including all components except connectors. The prepared library can be used for Ion Torrent PGM Sequencing of IonPoton second-generation sequencing platform. Compared with conventional library building methods, this kit combines multiple steps and omits multiple purification steps, significantly reducing the minimum requirement for starting template DNA and shortening the library construction time. In addition, the reagent kit uses high fidelity DNA polymerase for library enrichment and preference free PCR amplification, expanding the coverage area of the sequence and efficiently preparing DNA libraries for the Ion torrent second-generation sequencing platform.
Schematic diagram of DNA library construction process
Starting material: 5ng-1μg of broken double stranded DNA, dissolved in EB (10 mM Tris HCl pH 8.0) or deionized water, DNA purity requirement: OD260/OD 280=1.8-2.0.