96 Magnetic tip comb
96 Magnetic tip comb / 96 well comb for 96 deep well plate
2x TaqMan qPCR Master Mix with Rox
PCM40, PCM41, 2×Taq Man qPCR MasterMix with ROX. The 2×Taq Man qPCR MasterMix is a premixed system for qPCR based on probes (TaqMan, Molecular Beacon etc.), and the concentration is 2×.
PCM13, 2×Hotstar PCR MasterMix
2x HotStar PCR Master Mix
PCM13, 2x Hotstar PCR MasterMix , is a premixed system consisting of Golden Star Taq DNA Polymerase, PCR Buffer, Mg2+, dNTPs, PCR stabilizers and reinforcers.
2x E Taq PCR Master Mix Lyophilized Powder
PCM12, PCM12B, PCM12L, 2x E Taq Master Mix, solution, blue dye, Amplification Efficiency and low mismatch rate. Package Size 1ml or bulk, Lyophilized Powder, RT stable
PCM11B, 2×pfu PCR Super MasterMix, with blue dye
2x Pfu PCR Master Mix Dye
PCM11B, 2x Pfu PCR Super Master Mix, with blue dye. This product is a premixed system composed of Pfu DNA Polymerase, Mg2+, dNTPs, PCR stabilizers and enhancers, with a concentration of 2 ×.
2x Taq PCR Super Master Mix
PCM01, PCM01A, PCM10, PCM10B, regular PCR Mix, 2x Taq PCR Super Master Mix, with DNA polymerase and hifi polymerase for regular PCR and complex PCR, amplify up to 6KB, blue dye
Custom genes synthesis
We has a professional gene synthesis service expert team and technical equipment, and integrates advanced gene sequence design and optimization technology.
Rapid gene synthesis
We provide you with a 5-day rapid gene synthesis service to save your waiting time and improve your experimental efficiency!
High-throughput gene synthesis
fast and inexpensive high-throughput gene synthesis services, especially suitable for the synthesis of a large number of gene fragments and long genome sequences.
Genefragment gene synthesis
Genefragment gene synthesis is a linear double-stranded DNA fragment, which can be quickly used for cloning, construction, and modification of simple genes.
Long-segment gene synthesis
The long-segment gene synthesis service can synthesize long-segment genes of more than 6kb for you at a very competitive price.
Primer synthesis for 96-well and 384-well plates
We provide you with 96-well plate and 384-well plate high-throughput primer synthesis, the price is favorable for single-tube synthesis.