Super High Fidelity DNA Polymerase
PC06, Super Fidelity DNA Polymerase, 52 times fidelity of Taq, Hotstar, super amplification, for complex PCR High Fidelity PCR
Thermostable T7 RNA Polymerase
TR02,Thermostable T7 RNA Polymerase,50U/μl
Cold sensitive mutant hotstar Taq DNA Polymerase
PC05, csm Taq DNA Polymerase, Cold sensitive mutant Taq DNA Polymerases, 5U/μl
CSM Taq polymerases
PC05, csm Taq DNA Polymerase, Cold sensitive mutant Taq DNA Polymerases, 5U/μl
NTP set 100mM solution
NTP set 100mM solution is a convenient set of 100 mM solutions of each ATP, GTP, CTP and UTP.
PC04, mTaq DNA Polymerase
anti inhibitor mTaq DNA Polymerase, blood direct
PC04, m Taq DNA Polymerase, Hotstar, anti inhibitor, direct PCR for blood, tissue ect 5U/μl. mTaq DNA Polymerase is a new type of DNA Polymerase which is modified by deletion of an amino acid segment in the N terminal of Taq DNA polymerase and mutation.
HotStar TaqMan Probe qPCR Mix with low rox
The 2x TaqMan qPCR master (low rox) Mix is a special mixture for Probe real time PCR(TaqMan , Molecular Beacon etc.)
Deoxyribonuclease I, DNase I lyophilized powder
DI01, DI02, DI03, Deoxyribonuclease I, DNase I lyophilized powder, RNase Free, source Bovine Pancreas
Pyrophosphatase, Inorganic (yeast) (PPase, yeast)
M036, GMP-M036, Pyrophosphatase, Inorganic (yeast), GMP Grade, Animal free, suitable for medical mRNA synthesis and other biopharmaceutical production. Size: 0.1U/μl*100μl
DNase I Recombinant GMP Grade
DI04, GMP-DI05, Recombinant DNase I GMP Grade, suitable for mRNA synthesis and other biopharmaceutical production, animal free. Size:(2U/μl)*200μl/vial, Recombinant DNase I solution, RNase-free, 20U/μl, molecular grade
RNase Inhibitor GMP Grade
RNK3501, GMP-RI01, recombinant Murine Ribonuclease Inhibitor, 40U/μl, GMP Grade, for medical mRNA synthesis and other biopharmaceutical production, 40U/μl*75μl/vial
E. coli Poly(A) Polymerase
M012, GMP-M012, Poly(A) Polymerase, GMP Grade E. coli Poly(A) Polymerase, GMP Grade, suitable for RNA 3' labeling, RNA poly A taling, improve RNA translation in eukaryotic cells.animal free. Size:5U/μl*20μl